Benefit : acts at the mouth opening to share the pressure points on 3 ways (chanfrin lower part, jaw and under the chin) without contact on the bit.
CLASSIC H noseband is a flash noseband with double locked on the rear part. Hight part is padded and manufactured in flat leather.
S*C nosebands :
- These are the bridles parts who should provide you some help to limit the horse mouth opening and to channel the jaw moves while respecting the well-being of the horse and harmony with its rider. You have to be careful regarding the adjustment of it and how you have to locked it to be 100% sure to keep your horse comfortable and safe when you ride with respect for the horse. The noseband locked adjustment should be approximately 2 fingers (in flat position) between the noseband and the chanfrin.
- Each model you will find in our noseband range come from our collaboration with many riders we’re working with all over the world. Each model was created to provide some solutions to the horse riders while guaranteeing the horse's comfort.
- All S*C nosebands fit on S*C headpieces.
- A 4mm padding again to provide an optimal comfort at your horse.
- 3 ranges according to your needs: flashs, classics and technicals
Bes muserolles classiques S*C sont des muserolles déjà développées sur le marché de la briderie, plus spécifiques et techniques dans leurs modèles de fermeture avec un effet qui diffère selon la fermeture choisie : croisée, allemande, matière fine ou corde ajoutant une finesse aux actions du cavalier. Elles ont été conçues et développées avec et pour les cavaliers pour répondre à leurs demandes de praticité et de technicité : un ajustement équilibré et facilité, ajout d’empiècement, de matelassures pour ajouter du confort à votre cheval…